Welcome to Steins for Scouting Airtoberfest
Break out the lederhosen, don your best dirndl, and roll out the barrel at Steins for Scouting Airtoberfest!
This adult “Oktoberfest-like” event is held at Stein’s Aircraft Services (2651 Aviation Drive, Waukesha) and is easy to get to with plenty of parking. Kicking off the Oktoberfest season, Steins for Scouting Airtoberfest features Waukesha’s own, Raised Grain Beer, Umpa bands and in case you’re umpa’d out…late night headliner, The LoveMonkeys. Cornhole tournament, great German eats, Balloon Glow, Nail Hammering, Masskrugstemmen (stein holding contest) and more. Come raise a Stein with us!
Scouting has shaped the lives of thousands of boys and girls in our community. Our goal at the Potawatomi Area Council is to inspire our youth in the Waukesha, Wisconsin area to reach greater heights. We help youth from ages 5-20 achieve self-confidence, integrity and ethical awareness while improving their personal fitness and life skills. Focusing on the Scout Oath and Law, it is our goal to provide a fun, interactive environment for youth while cultivating the future leaders of America.
Youth Served
Adults Trained in YPT
Service Hours
Nights of Camping
Bands & Entertainment

12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Little Bit of Heaven

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
United Donauschwaben of Milwaukee Dancers
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Phil Norby

5:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Men & Women Masskrugstemmen

Headliner Act – 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Cornhole Tournament
Welcome to the second annual Steins for Scouting Airtoberfest Cornhole Tournament! We are excited to have the expertise of Connor Clapper from Wisconsin Baggers running this event!
The entry fee is $25 per person with 2-person teams. This covers your tournament fee and your entry to the Airtoberfest Steins for Scouting event. You do not need a separate ticket for the scouting event. Your entire $25 entry fee will go toward the payout. Cash prizes will be based on participation, so bring your friends!
You will play a minimum of three games. Please be ready to play when you are contacted. The tournament will be held inside so be prepared to play rain or shine.
How to Register
1. Download the Scoreholio App (Links below)
2. Go to “Find a Tournament” and search for the “Steins for Scouting” tournament
3. Click the “Register” button at the bottom of the screen and follow the prompts.
4. Registration fees will be collected on-site at the Airtoberfest Steins for Scouting event.
5. Check-in begins at 12:00, tournament play begins at 12:30.